
The easiest way to install DataSpaces is using Spack. Spack is a package manager aimed at HPC and scientific computing. Using Spack simplifies the installation of DataSpaces and its dependencies.

If you wish to install DataSpaces directly from source, the distribution repo can be found on GitHub.

Installing Spack

To install Spack, follow the getting started instructions found here. This will install the package manager, and make a large variety of packages available.

Installing the DataSpaces repository

The DataSpaces group maintains a repository for the DataSpaces spack package (and any relevant ancillary packages). This can be found here. In order to use this package, you will need to first install Spack using the above instructions. Once you have done this, you can load the DataSpaces package repository by doing the following:

git clone
spack repo add dspaces-spack

Installing DataSpaces

One the DataSpaces repository has been loaded, the dataspaces package can be installed with:

spack install dataspaces

This will automatically install allDdataSpaces dependencies and the dataspaces package itself. Once the package has been installed the command:

spack load dataspaces

Configures the environment to use DataSpaces, adding the server binary’s directory to PATH, any shared library paths to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc. This simplifies building and running programs that use DataSpaces.